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How do I participate?

If you have not received a request for a resolution conference but wish to participate in the program, you may request a resolution conference with your lender following the steps listed below:

  1. Obtain an appointment with an Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) approved housing counselor. A list of OHCS-approved counseling agencies is available here.
  2. The housing counselor will determine whether or not you are eligible for participation in the program and assist you in making the request for a resolution conference. Housing counselor certification is required to request a resolution conference with your lender.
  3. Submit your request online with your housing counselor and a case manager will contact you to help you every step of the way.

You are eligible to participate in the program if:

  • Your lender has not commenced foreclosure, and
  • A housing counselor certifies that you are either more than 30 days behind on your mortgage or experiencing a financial hardship that may qualify you for a foreclosure avoidance measure.

If you have received a request for a resolution conference, follow the steps below to participate:

  1. Contact Mediation Case Manager toll free at (855) 658-6733 or locally at (503) 451-6774 or email us at Admin@MediationCaseManager.com to get connected with a case manager who will work with you throughout the process.
  2. Obtain an appointment with an Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) approved housing counselor. A list of OHCS-approved counseling agencies is available here.
  3. Submit the $175.00 fee for participation (a fee reduction waiver is available for households making 200% or less of the federal poverty level)
  4. Complete and upload your required documents to the online portal. Your case manager or housing counselor will be available to assist you with this.

After a request is received from a lender or a homeowner, Mediation Case Manager will send a Notice of Resolution Conference to both parties. This request will include:

  • A range of dates within which the resolution conference will occur,
  • Details about required documents and deadlines for submitting these documents,
  • Information about when and how to pay the required fee.
All program fees should be sent to:
Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance Program
P.O. Box 4185
Portland, Oregon 97208-4185

It's important that you respond to the request for a resolution conference from your lender, as participation in the program will help you explore all options to avoid foreclosure. If you agree to participate, your lender is not able to initiate any type of foreclosure proceeding until they have complied with the requirements of the program by attending a resolution conference with you.